13 July, 2018

Neapolitan Pizza Recipe

This is just the basic recipe for the dough and sauce for Neapolitan-style pizza. I'll briefly outline the traditional toppings and baking technique, but for various reasons, you probably want to make your own way there. Note that this is an overnight recipe: You make the dough one day and use it the next.

03 February, 2018

Sorbet reference

I've been getting into making sorbet a bit recently, making icy-poles out of some left-over limes at Christmas time and messing around with frozen mangoes.

Just last weekend, my dad unloaded a bucket of perfectly ripe, if a bit bug-ridden elberta peaches (He's been doing the rounds of friends and relatives to try and get rid of them).

I decided I was going to peel, stone, debug and make the peaches into sorbet too, so I'd better start getting serious about the recipe. I found this pretty comprehensive article about technique and links to several handy recipes by Max Falkowitz in Serious Eats, so I'm making sure I have a record of it for posterity:

How to make the best sorbet